Things to consider before building your mobile app

This edge is mobile driven edge, everything comes on our figure tips through mobile from shopping to banking. So it is obvious that everyone want to build a mobile app for engaging their customers. Some people have their ideas and they want to implement it through mobile app. With the number of mobile applications soaring high since its inception, there are all the chances that your app might just go unnoticed. I think building an app is more strategic call rather than technical call.

Before you jump into the decision of creating a mobile app, we always suggest to think on some points.

1. Justify your reason for developing an app
Why do you want to develop a mobile app is important and Defining dissimilarities between the website and app offerings is important. There must be a strategic clarity on how distinctively will you offer the services through an app than the website. It is critical to have a keen vision for building a mobile app. Additionally, it must be in alignment with the business objectives and the way how the app will accomplish the same.

2. Think on the ways to earn from an app
Before building a mobile app, you must find out ways to monetize your application. There are few strategies like private advertisements inside your application to start earning on pay per click or pay per view basis. You also need to determine whether you will be charging users for download or integrate in-app purchase strategy.

3. Decide Application Type
Do you expect customers to use your service daily on the go? Do you use push notifications? Do you need to connect your software to other services? Do you want to rely on connectivity? These are the questions which will answer what type of app you require. Generally there 2 types of mobile app, first is Native mobile app and another is hybrid mobile app. Your development cost is depends on this application type also so above questions are also important.

4. Decide A Platform
Where are your users? Are they on Android? Then don’t build for iOS. There’s no sense in building an app for an operating system if your customers aren’t there. If your target users are split between Android and iOS, consider a multi-platform strategy.

5. Think, think and rethink on features
Your idea must be clear that what features you are going to offer to your users, Also need to think that which features you want to focus. As per your budget boundaries you can decide which features you want to provide in first phase, in short define your priority.

6. App Maintenance
Mobile app development isn’t a one-time deal. Mobile platforms and trends change quickly and you need to be ready to change with them. Make sure your plan incorporates updates and additional expenses in the future.

7. Marketing an App
As per our experience to convince user to install your app is most difficult, even if user install your app then also he should keep it in his mobile is next task. There should be something in your app which enable user to keep it in his mobile.

Keeping these things at the back of your mind before developing a mobile app can make your app less fragile, we are here to help you for the same.

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