Is code is your Poetry?

How can we develop our programming skills? This is a common question asked by every IT intern or fresher and our usual answer is - Develop your Programmer Brain. But how to develop that programmer brain is the point, actually no one can write great things without A Passion whether it’s poetry or code. Coding is also an Art and if you want to be a great artist then you should have that passion towards your work. If we want to be a good programmer instead of just coder then we should try to follow few things.


This is most important thing, You cannot achieve anything without being passionate on it. I believe that good developers are always passionate about programming. Good developers would do some programming even if they weren’t being paid for it. While this passion isn’t a necessity, it’s often a way to differentiate top-shelf programmers from the rest.

Willing to learn

This is a trait that is highly overlooked by applicants when technology is always evolving and the skills and abilities a programmer has today will likely be outdated in a few years. It’s important to be a programmer who has an interest in keeping up with the latest trends and is eager to take any opportunity to learn new skills and improve existing ones.


Good communication skills directly correlate with good development skills. A great developer is able to understand problems clearly, break them down into hypotheses and propose solutions in a coherent manner. They understand concepts quickly, or ask the right questions to understand, and don’t need to have everything written down specification document. I am not saying that you should have fluent English, language is not the issue but you should be clear what you are going to talk.


Great developers are usually independent and amazing self-learners. They have the ability to learn new technologies on their own and aren’t intimidated by new challenges. For those who have never attempted to create an application from scratch, programming can best be compared to solving an extremely difficult math equation. A good programmer thrives on being innovative and finding ways to make something work, despite the odds.


Creating code is only part of a programmer’s job. When software doesn’t work as expected, a programmer is expected to get to the root of the problem quickly and effectively. Instead of spending hours blindly making changes, search for a programmer who prefers to carefully investigate his code and research possible issues until an answer is found.


Every project or job has several constraints whether it be time or budget. A good programmer knows how to code in terms of time and space complexity. Since budget is really important in a lot of projects, a good programmer will create a software using fewer resources. A good programmer knows how to manage the project requirements and is very flexible.

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