It’s great to being parent of a startup

Our child - Aaryak Solutions has completed 4 years on 1st September 2016. As we know that new born baby’s first few years are very important in which it learns, understands new world very fast and In this period parents must have to shape their child very carefully because child’s growth depends on the same.

It’s really tough to being parent of IT Startup, but when you take every tough thing as a challenge then you got easy ways to sort out it. It was really a challenging task for us to start with 0 Rupees and achieving first milestone of 1 Million, It’s never been possible without support of our aaryak team, customers and our well-wishers.

It was our dream to have our own IT startup, we seen during our college days. It might be easy to have our own startup but to have a successful startup is quite difficult. I think success of startup should be measured on how you bring change in people’s life, how your startup helps to make people’s life easier.

A Happy customer is always goodwill for a startup, and a customer will be happy then only when he feels that there is a positive change due to your service. So from the first day our most important goal is to serve our best to our clients, not just to earn money.

The People, who work with you, must be happy because they are your growth engine. When you develop a caring work culture then your office becomes your home and your colleagues become your family, so implementing a culture of that extent is a continuous process and we trying to drive it every day.

We are building a startup which runs on the basis of values not on the money only….

It’s Just a beginning, much more to go. It’s Really Great to being a Startup!

Thanks for Reading our blog, It means a lot to us…!!!

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