Online training – Key to develop skilled employees

Training and development is the field which is concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of Individuals and groups in organizational setting. It is a combined role often called human resources development (HRD) meaning the development of “Human” resources to remain competitive in the marketplace. Training focuses on doing activities today to develop employees for their current jobs and development is preparing employees for future roles and responsibilities. It carry out an analysis that the objective of training and development is to ensure that employees can effectively perform their jobs, gains competitive advantage and seek self growth. A measurable performance resulting from good training and development shall enhance organization’s development. It is equipping employers to translate that information and knowledge into practice with a view to enhancing organization’s effectiveness and productivity, and the quality of a management of people. It should be considered along with training policies and systems which are crucial to the development of human resources.

Conventional training

Conventional training includes classroom training or arranging training sessions or exams which may give results but for that organization has to be dependent on the person who conducting training sessions. In such cases one cannot record behavior and growth of each and every trainee which resulting below disadvantages,

  • 1. Skilled and good performing employees remain unexplored
  • 2. One cannot find out where some set of employees is lacking
  • 3. Not able to measuring employees consistency towards his performance
  • 4. Expensive

Importance of Online training in an Organizational Development

Training and career development are very vital in any company or organization that aims at progressing. This includes decision making, thinking creatively and managing people. Online training can play important role in skill development of employees.

  • 1. Help in addressing employee weaknesses
  • 2. Improvement in worker performance
  • 3. Consistency in duty performance
  • 4. Ensuring worker satisfaction
  • 5. Increased productivity
  • 6. Improved quality of service and products
  • 7. Reduced training cost
  • 8. Reduction in supervision


A Learning Management System (LMS) is a set of software tools designed to manage user learning interventions including online, virtual classroom, online exams and related reporting. LMS provides the ability to store and consume various types of learning-related activities that can be tracked through the application. The types of learning-related activities supported are:

  • eLearning content ware (SCORM & PDF, Doc and other content)
  • Registration management
  • Preparedness level exam
  • Exams
  • Performance Analysis

If employees of an organization are skilled and smart then automatically organization will achieve the fastest growth by delivering outstanding services to its customers. Various organizations are using AaryakLMS for employee training, exams, recruitments and they noticed the results in performance of employees, and in operations of HR. Most important is they have the organized performance data of each employee on just a click away.

#AaryakSolutions #AaryakLMS

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