AARSELL+ GST Billing Software


AARSELL+ is simple desktop software for Grocery stores, mobile shops, or for any small scale businesses. It has all the features which normally requires in every business that is Sale, Purchase, Receipts, Payments, Sales Return, Purchase Return, stock management etc. additionally User can export all this data in selected date range to tally by generating XML files. Software is configurable, while installation configurations can be done as per business type. Supports Unicode so user can enter data in any language.

It’s a very light weight application which can be installed in few clicks, can be used from single desktop machine or from multiple machines in LAN. Currently 40+ clients are using this software from last 3 months.



  • Admin can create Various accounts under various account groups
  • Admin can enter all his products / Services as per GST rates / HSN-SAC codes
  • Products can be categorized under various groups.
  • Admin can assign barcodes to products if required.


  • Easy Product Searching
  • Barcode based product selection available if required.
  • Auto GST calculation(CGST-SGST or IGST) as per product GST Rate and customer’s state
  • Can create product / customer while sale bill entry
  • Single user can enter multiple sale bills from single machine
  • Multiple Invoice formats – small bills on POS/Thermal printer, A5 invoice format, A4 Invoice format, Invoice print on preprinted stationary, etc.
  • Easy to search / edit bill.
  • Bill number as per financial year.
  • Rates inclusive of tax or exclusive of tax – settings in company settings. Tax will be calculated as per these settings.
  • Stock of goods and balance of account in Sale bill entry will be affected


  • Easy Product Searching
  • Barcode based product selection available if required.
  • Auto GST calculation(CGST-SGST or IGST) as per product GST Rate and suppplier’s state
  • Can create product / Supplier while Purchase bill entry
  • Easy to search / edit purchase bill.
  • User can select inclusive tax or exclusive tax option as per purchase bill
  • Stock of goods and balance of account in purchase bill entry will be affected

Stock Management

  • Negative stock can be allowed from company settings if required
  • Stock will be affected whenever user makes purchase/sale/purchase return/sales return entry
  • User can view groupwise / overall stock, stock ledger from reports.
  • Serial number wise stock can be maintained if required, this requires for mobile shops, Computer hardware shops

Sales Return

  • User can make sales return entry, stock of return goods and balance of respective account will be affected

Purchase Return

  • User can make purchase return entry, stock of return goods and balance of respective account will be affected


  • User can make receipt entry, balance will be affected of respective accounts.
  • Receipts can be in cash / Cheque / NEFT / RTGS
  • Receipts can be printed through system


  • User can make payment entry whenever he makes payment to his supplier or some party.
  • Balances will be affected respectively.


  • Quotation can be generated if required.

Tally Import

  • All the masters, Sales entries, Purchase entries, Receipts, Payment entries in selected date range can be exported in XML files which can be imported in Tally.
  • Sales and Purchase entries can be exported with inventory or without inventory, its configurable in company settings.
  • If User want to maintain stock inventory in tally then he will export XML with inventory otherwise without inventory.


  • Account Ledger
  • Stock Ledger
  • Overall Stock
  • Groupwise stock
  • Itemwise Sale
  • Customerwise sale
  • Outstandings
  • Pending Payments
  • Sale GST Reports
  • Purchase GST Reports
  • Total Sale Report
  • Credit Sale Report
  • Cash Sale Report
  • Purchase Reports

Backup & Restore Data

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